Evalúa tu Ingles

Pon a prueba tu nivel de inglés. Hemos seleccionado una prueba para poder evaluar tu nivel de Ingles. Rellena el formulario abajo con tus datos personales, sigue las instrucciones y responde a las preguntas del «quiz». Evaluaremos tu nivel y te lo comunicaremos tan pronto como nos sea posible.


    Personal Data:


    1. a) I’m 12.b) I am 12 years old.c) I’m fine.d) Me fine.

    2. a) There isb) There isn’tc) There ared) Are there

    3. a) Yes, I can.b) Yes, I have.c) Yes, I got.d) No, I not.

    4. a) Yes, me can.b) Yes, I fly.c) No, I can't.d) No, me not

    5. a) In the evenings.b) In the home.c) At home.d) The Simpsons.

    6. a) are.b) aren't.c) isn't.d) can

    7. a) Dog, horse, mouse, fish, tiger, ear, duckb) Apple, bread, skirt, egg, cake, lemonc) Shoulder, hand, leg, mouth, arm, eyed) Pencil, desk, milk, rubber, ruler, chair

    8. a) the tallest than youb) the taller than youc) tallest than youd) taller than you

    9. a) playb) don't playc) doesn’t playsd) plays

    10. a) They areb) Are theyc) Are hed) Does he

    11. a) every week.b) always.c) now.d) tomorrow.

    12. a) myb) mec) mined) your

    13. a) wills travelb) will travelsc) will traveld) does will travel

    14. a) is goingb) are goingc) are going to visitd) going to visit

    15. a) rain - will gob) will rain - goc) rains - will not god) will rain – will not go

    16. a) is opensb) is openc) are openedd) opened

    17. a) Trousers, jacket, shirt, gloves, neckb) Toilet, chicken, living-room, hallc) Back, thumb, scarf, knee, head, toed) Optician, nurse, hairdresser, vet, waiter

    18. a) makesb) did madec) did maked) made

    19. a) I was watching tv.b) You were watching tv.c) I watching tv.d) I was watch tv.

    20. a) shouldn’t to useb) mustn’t usec) ought to used) have to use

    21. a) was breaking - was playingb) was break - playingc) broke - playedd) broke - was playing

    22. a) used to playb) used to playedc) didn’t used to playd) didn’t use to played

    23. a) Have finishb) Have finishedc) Has finishd) Has finishing

    24. a) done alreadyb) just didc) already dod) already done

    25. a) might gob) might will goc) must god) must to go

    26. a) have been livingb) has been livingc) has being lived) has being living

    27. a) have visitb) have visitedc) has visitedd) visited

    28. a) since 10 hours.b) for 10 hours.c) for 10 o’clock.d) during 10 hours.

    29. a) - I will answer!b) - I am going to answer!c) - I will answering!d) - I am going to answering!

    30. a) where we met here.b) where we met.c) where we meet here.d) when we met.

    31. a) was readedb) was readc) was readingd) were readed

    32. a) will buyb) would boughtc) boughtd) would buy

    33. a) Fork, oven, dishwasher, fee, knife, glass, spoonb) Cherry, watermelon, apricot, grapec) Large, huge, kind, immature, selfish, friendly, handsomed) Potato, pumpkin, onion, leek, aubergine, carrot

    34. a) to do our homework.b) do our homework.c) did our homework.d) doing our homework.

    35. a) was been washing.b) was been washed.c) was being washed.d) was being wash.

    36. a) Studied / wouldn’t have failb) Had study / wouldn’t failc) Had studied / wouldn’t have faild) Had studied / wouldn’t have failed

    37. a) Zoe said she had lunch here yesterday.b) Zoe said she had had lunch there the day before.c) Zoe said she had lunch there the day before.d) Zoe told she had lunch here the day before.

    38. a) haveb) have hadc) hadd) to have

    39. a) are said to beb) is said to bec) is said that isd) said to be

    40. a) had washed my hairb) had my hair washingc) had had my hair washd) had my hair washed

    41. a) such heavy thatb) so heavy toc) so heavy for me tod) so heavy that

    42. a) because of it was rainingb) because of the rainc) due to rainingd) owing to it was raining

    43. a) where we had dinner inb) where we had dinner atc) in wich we had dinner atd) in which we had dinner

    44. a) am not used to getting upb) am not used to get upc) am not use to get upd) got use to get up

    45. a) could tellb) could toldc) could have toldd) could has told

    46. a) Peter asked me who was that boy.b) Peter asked me who is that boy.c) Peter asked me who that boy was.d) Peter asked me who this boy was.

    47. a) do I playb) I playc) I playedd) did I play

    48. a) I was tired, despiteb) Despite I was tiredc) In spite of being tiredd) Although being tired

    49. a) Dump, Environmentally-friendly, recycle, smog, exhaust fumes, global warmingb) Gorgeous, breathtaking, terrific, astonishing, hilarious, marvellous, dramaticc) Wrist, heel, chin, jaw, waist, ankle, elbow, eyebrow, hip, lips, cheekd) Depressing, appalling, awful, stunning, disappointing, horrible

    50. a) Had I know / would have prepareb) If I had know / would preparec) If I had known / would have prepared) Had I known / would have prepared


    El inglés es la lengua más usada en el mundo, un 20% son angloparlantes y la hablan cerca de 1.600 millones de personas, quieres ser tu tambien unos de ellos?


    El inglés se reafirma como el idioma más demandado por las empresas en nuestro país.


    Con una cifra de 1.510.252 millones de euros Inglaterra está entre los grandes exportadores del mundo.


    Las importaciones supusieron ese año 1.053.065 millones de euros. Reino Unido es un de los países con mayor volumen de importaciones del ranking mundial.


    El inglés pertenece a la familia de lenguas germánicas del oeste y está emparentado con el holandés, alemán y luxemburgués. Se escribe en caracteres latinos y se lee de izquierda a derecha.


    -La jurisprudencia de la mayoría de países de la Commonwealth se basa en el derecho anglosajón.

    -Coca-cola, la emblemática bebida americana, sería verde si los británicos no le hubieran añadido colorante.


    765 millones de personas hablan inglés por todo el mundo, incluyendo los 360 millones que lo hablan como lengua materna, y otros 430 como segunda lengua. A esto se suman las personas que lo hablan como idioma extranjero, unos 750 millones.